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An Antique Tea Kettle from Pinterest |
There once was an old woman, Grammy Ronni, that collected tea kettles. She would go to any antique sale, garage sale, or estate sale that she could find. The old woman had a granddaughter that would accompany her to these sales and help her find the best kettles. The two had recently heard of a sale that would occur in a city not too far from where they lived and decided to go. Once they had arrived at the sale Grammy Ronni spotted a beautiful tea kettle. It was dark brown with light green swirls painted all over it. She immediately picked it up and paid for it.
As the two women were driving back home the granddaughter thought she heard something rustle around in the back of the car. She looked in the backseat, but there was nothing but the small tea kettle wrapped in newspaper. She turned back around and decided that it must have been something outside of the car that she had heard.
Once the women arrived at Grammy Ronni's house, the granddaughter said goodbye and went to her own home. The old woman decided she would unpack her new kettle and use it to make her evening tea. She turned on the stove and carefully put the kettle on the stove top to warm the water. The old woman went to change clothes and when she returned, much to her surprise, there was a cat running around her apartment! She chased after the cat for several minutes and finally caught him! He was dark brown, just like the kettle, and had light green eyes. The old woman lectured the cat for running all over her nice home and almost knocking over her china cabinet that contained her tea kettle collection! After the cat calmed down, it returned to its kettle form.
Not being able to take care of a cat, the old woman immediately wanted to sell this new addition. The next day the old woman took the kettle to her local thrift store and sold it to the owner for ten dollars. The owner was surprised to see the old woman selling a kettle, but she simply told him that she already had one like it. So the owner took the kettle and placed it in the back, to be looked at later.
Finally the owner's lunch break came and he went to check on the new kettle. He was very surprised to see a cat running around his storage closet! After he had caught the cat, he put the cat into a small kennel to keep it safe. Yet as soon as he had shut the door, a new customer walked in. This customer was no ordinary customer, though! He had experience with transforming kettles. The customer noticed the cat in the kennel and asked the owner about it and its origins. The owner told the customer what he knew, and apologized for how crazy he must have sounded! The customer, much to the owner's surprise, told him how to control the cat!
So the next day the shop owner set up a little booth in his store. He decided he would show off the kitty kettle to his customers and make some money. The first few customers were in such awe that they told everyone they saw about the thrift store that had a tea kettle that could transform into a kitty!
The owner made a lot of money over the course of a week and felt bad that he had taken such an opportunity away from the old woman. To repay her he decided to give her back the tea kettle and some of the money he had made from the kitty kettle.
The old woman was very surprised to see the thrift store owner at her door the next day. She was even more surprised to see that he was returning the kitty kettle, filled with money! The owner apologized and explained what had happened after the woman had dropped the kettle off. He explained how the kitty kettle worked and returned back to his shop. The old woman was very grateful. Both the store owner and the old woman led happy, fulfilled lives and died feeling they had lived well.
Author's Note:
I really
enjoyed reading the Japanese Fairy Tales by Andrew Lang this week. I had a
difficult time selecting which story to recreate, but I went with the story
that introduces tanuki. Tanuki are Japanese raccoon dogs, and are considered
very mischievous animals in Japanese Fairy Tales. They are featured in several
of Lang's stories and can be very mean in some of them. But to me they are too
cute not to love! The tale that I selected is titled The
Magic Kettle and is about a magic tea kettle that turns into a tanuki. I
thought it would be nice to 'Americanize' the story and change the tanuki to a
cat. I also modernized the story and wanted to bring some references to things
we are familiar with: estate sales, antique sales, and thrift shops! I love
frequenting all of these so I thought it would be a fun tie-in of my own life. Although
this is not a Grammy Ronni bedtime story, I thought this would fit in my Portfolio as
it still has a bedtime story feel. I also like the tanuki so much that I couldn’t
resist revisiting this tale to perfect it, so enjoy!
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They're Real! Tanuki from dailyhaze |
This was a really interesting story to read! I really like how it ended nicely and both the woman and storekeeper were both satisfied. The idea of a "kitty kettle" is what really kept my interest going while reading this story. I also liked the picture you chose to use as well and the caption, this made me smile. This story was so interesting to me, I went back and took a look at the original store you based this off of!
ReplyDeleteHey Kaitlin. I liked the blurb that you added for this story. I wanted to see what happens so I clicked on the link. I also like the picture that you included and that it was before the story. It gives a nice visual. I was just a little confused where the cat appeared. Does the woman know that the cat was from the kettle? It seemed a little unclear if she knew where the cat was from and why she wanted to return the kettle. Other than that, the story was really great. I think it was noble of the owner to give the kettle back to the lady and they both lived happily. Did you have a main theme or moral that you wanted to share in your author's note? I really enjoyed the ending and didn't expect the man to be so nice about his wonderfully findings and to also be willing to share that wealth with someone else.
ReplyDeleteI chose to read this story for my storytelling unit as well. Apparently it’s popular. Somebody else chose to write a story based on the Tanuki tea kettle as well.
ReplyDeleteI like how they heard rustling in the bad of the car. It’s great foreshadowing about the tea kettle. I also think it was cool that the grandmother comes back to see a cat running around instead of initially seeing the tea kettle transform. I wonder why the shopkeeper chose to keep the cat instead of selling it. If I were the stranger I would have bought the cat instead of telling the owner how to use it.
Overall I think it was an interesting story. This story seems to stick pretty closely to the original, only it’s a more modern setting and the kettle is a cat instead of a Tanuki. I do like it when stories have happy endings.
Hi Kaitlin!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your story! I love cats so it was really entertaining for me to read about a cat running around an apartment out of a kettle. I know that I personally would also like to get a whole kettle full of money at the end. I really enjoyed reading this story because it gave some insight to Japanese culture and I liked how you changed it to be more Americanized. I think it made it easy to relate to and easy to understand the humor since it was a cat- that American people can really understand. I wonder what it would have been like if it were a bigger animal, like a dog, where it was more of a problem that this animal was running around.
I also read this story about the Tanuki tea kettle a couple of weeks ago and I retold it one week, so I was really interested to see if you would retell it differently that I did. I thought it was creative that you made the beginning a grandmother and granddaughter going antique shopping/garage saleing... I never would have thought of that. I appreciated how your story stayed very close to the original with just a couple changes in characters and setting. The antique tea kettle picture you included at the very beginning was a great touch, and I also liked that you included the tanuki picture at the end. Changing the tanuki to a cat make the story easier to picture as it happened and I think that since cats have such interesting personalities that added something to your story also. Overall a really good job. I just have one critical comment- I think this background behind your stories makes them kind of hard to read, maybe if the font was white instead of gray that would help!
ReplyDeleteHi Kaitlin! I really enjoyed reading your story. I liked the blurb for this story, so I decided to see what happens. And I found a very interesting story. I was not expecting to see a tea kettle can be a kitten. I also like the idea that the woman went to the antique shop with her granddaughter and how the little girl heard something rustle around in the back of the car in the beginning of the story where that can make the reader think what can be in there and what was that sound. It was so great to see that the thrift store owner at the woman door to return to her the kitty kettle filled with money after he was making money from the kettle. Especially that he did not take it from here against her will. Overall, this was great story and you did a great in writing it. Good job !